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All Things Mh by Ashley

Bath Soak I

Bath Soak I

Regular price $5.20 USD
Regular price $8.00 USD Sale price $5.20 USD
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Deep Breath- Eucalyptus/Lavender mix


Sandalwood + Vanilla

Grapefruit + Rose

Rose + Vanilla

Honey + Turmeric 

Key Ingredients:

  • epsom salt - eases stress and relaxes the body while relieving pain and muscle cramps. this mineral-rich ingredient can also help to eliminate toxins from the body, reduce inflammation, and improve muscle function.
  • French green clay- a natural exfoliant, and it is known for its healing and rejuvenating properties. This clay is excellent for sensitive skin concerns, and it contains tons of good-for- the-skin nutrients, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, silicon, selenium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt, sodium, phosphorous, copper, and zinc. 
  • Cocoa powder- softens detoxes and purifies the skin. Repairs damaged skin, reduces premature aging and scars, and promotes new cell growth. 
  • Ground turmeric- can help reduce inflammation and dryness, which can lead to less scarring and faster healing. It can also help with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. 
  • rose kaolin clay - is mild but effective - absorbing impurities and calming

Instructions: add as desired to warm bath water for a soothing + relaxing full-body or foot soak. rinse well.

full ingredients:

  • Deep Breath- epsom salt, himalayan pink salt, fragrance oil, French green clay
  • Lavender- Epsom salt, Himalayan pink salt, fragrance oil.
  • Sandalwood+Vanilla-  epsom salt, himalayan pink salt, fragrance oil, cocoa powder.
  • Grapefruit + Rose- epsom salt, himalayan pink salt, fragrance oil, ground turmeric, rose kaolin clay.
  • Honey + Turmeric- epsom salt, himalayan pink salt, fragrance oil, ground turmeric.
  • Rose + Vanilla- epsom salt, himalayan pink salt, fragrance oil, rose kaolin clay. 


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