About Us

All Things Mh by Ashley is a self-care brand that was created to introduce ways people can practice self-care in different ways. The products are presented in beautiful packaging, that allows you to turn self-care boxes, self-care, jars, etc. into a self-care experience.


Hi! I’m Ashley and I’m the founder of All Things Mh by Ashley. I am a mental health therapist, so mental health is pretty important to me. I find that when I say mental health, people automatically think I am going to refer them or suggest they see a therapist. While therapy is great, my job is not to force anyone to go that route. My goal is to introduce simple and affordable ways a person can practice self-care. 

The idea for the self-care boxes and baskets started years ago in two ways. First when I was struggling as a consumer to purchase gifts for family members. Every year I found that I was gifting the same items. I started researching gift boxes/baskets. I found that both at local shops and online platforms, the boxes/baskets were either too expensive or did not come with enough items in them. Years went by of thinking about ways I can fix this. In August, I woke up with the idea of creating my own boxes and baskets. Affordable product people can gift themselves or another. I attended my first local event, and it was a success. Ever since then, I have been able to attend more events and listen to my customers stories of who they are purchasing the basket/box for. The boxes/baskets progressed to me trying to be crafty and see if I can turn jars into self-care products. 

I wanted to stay with the mental health, well-being, self-care theme, which is why I decided to add slime to the production line. I use slime and other items in therapy with my youth clients. It helps them feel more comfortable talking to me for more than five minutes, helps with their focus, and improves their emotional state. 

Moving on to the skin care products. I am big on self-care. I go to the spa monthly; do facials at home, and regularly do activities that bring me joy. This turned into me trying to find affordable products to use at home, in the case I am not able to make the spa for the month.  One of my favorite facial products is pumpkin; however, my local spa does not offer it for sale. 

I came across a recipe to make pumpkin skin products at home and since I’ve recently tapped into my crafty side, I figured I would give it a go!

I welcome all feedback and suggestions so feel free to drop me a line williamsar23@gmail.com